This past Wednesday and Thursday, the Baguio mission was blessed to have the opportunity to hear from our Philippines Area Presidency member Elder Ian S. Ardern and his wife Sister Ardern. During this conference, four zones of the Baguio mission gathered to the Legarda chapel to listen and receive encouragement for the work in our prospective areas. Both Elder and Sister Ardern gave great encouragement for our work. Reminding us that this time on our missions will stay with us for the rest of our lives. We must try our hardest to lose ourselves in the work of salvation, to bring souls unto Christ and proclaim His gospel. Elder Ardern reminded us that once we go home, we will look back and think about our missions for the rest of our life, we don't want to look back with regret, but rather with joy and love, knowing that we worthily served the Lord. Each missionary has a turning point in their mission where they decide to work their hardest and give up their will to the Lord's will. The point of this conference was to be our turning point, to help up to recognize Satan's place of entry in our lives, and to choose now to be exactly obedient and and be the best missionary that we can be. They also gave us some very exciting news about a new goal for the Baguio mission. This month of May 2014, the Baguio mission will have 100 baptisms. This was an inspired goal for us missionaries to put our faith to the test and meet the standards that the Lord has put in place for us. This is the time for the Lord's work to be hastened, and by the end of May 2014, the Baguio mission will show forth its determination, and meet the Lord's standards for us.

Agoo Zone |
Bauang Zone |
Baguio Zone |
La Trinidad Zone |