A new batch of missionaries have arrived! 19 new elders and 10 new sisters have come to the Philippines Baguio Mission! There were lots of fun activities planned to help these new missionaries enjoy their first few days here in San Fernando. Thursday morning, President Balledos took time to meet with each new missionary. In the meantime, the others got to enjoy some fun proselyting activities. They were introduced to 'Preaching by the way', where we take advantage of every opportunity to talk to everyone! They practiced at the chapel and then put it into reality. Each missionary had 2 mormon.org cards they were to give away in the San Fernando Plaza. They were nervous, but excited! They were told to go and preach! What is really emphasized here in the Baguio Mission is the importance of Talking To Everyone! So that is just what the missionaries did! Anyone that they saw, they went up to and started sharing the gospel. They handed out pamphlets, pass-along cards, got return appointments, contact information and started planting seeds.
Here are some of the new missionaries preaching by the way to the 'old' missionaries.
Elders in the plaza planting some seeds!
The activities continued and the new missionaries were sent on a mini scavenger hunt. They had to navigate themselves around the San Fernando area. They rode a jeepney from the plaza to one of the nearby malls where they were to buy ingredients for a Filipino favorite, chicken adobo!
Back at the chapel they enjoyed a nice lunch.
The missionaries then traveled to the mission home where they got to do some laundry! In case they can't find a washing machine in their areas, they are now prepared to wash their own clothes by hand.
Now was the time when they put their cooking skills to the test! There was no complete recipe for them to follow, so the missionaries had to work together to add just the right amount of ingredients to their chicken adobo.
While waiting for the taste testers to judge, as tradition, the new missionaries got to go to the beach and walk on the sand. 1 rule: Have fun. Just don't get wet!
Afterwards, everyone came inside to have their new missionary orientation. Some of the missionaries got to bear their testimony, others participated in role plays. The skills they learned in the MTC really showed. The assistants to the president went over the key indicators and other part of mission life that each missionary would be focusing on. All was concluded with an enthusiastically sung Baguio Mission song!
Everyone then spent the evening outside enjoying a delicious dinner. Some experienced pancit and lumpia for the first time. And as sometimes custom here in the Philippines, no utensils were used. All of the missionaries really enjoyed their first few days here in Baguio Mission. President and Sister Balledos had wonderful activities planned to help them adjust and enjoy the experience of living here in the Philippines.
January 17, 2014 was transfer day! The new missionaries anxiously waited to meet their new companions. To start the day, the missionaries who would be training these new missionaries had their 'train the trainers' meeting. They were inspired by workshops given by President and the assistants. This helped them learn more about their role and responsibility of being a trainer. They learned about the resources given to them like the 12 weeks program and the Adjusting to Missionary Life booklet. The trainers and trainees all met up in the chapel later to be paired with their inspired companionships. Many new areas are opening up due to all of the new missionaries, which allows the work of the Lord to be hastened even more in these new areas.